You may be wondering why I have asked such a strange question...
"Prayer - is anyone any good at it?"
Because I don't know many people who would honestly say they are an expert.
And by expert, I mean someone who knows exactly what to pray all the time.
Or someone who prays for literally hours a day (because most of us don't live in a bubble).
I think that we think that to be good at pray-er, that you need to be some sort of a monk...
And that my friend is kind of ridiculous! And it also sets you up to feel like a failure!
As a Church Family and for myself as well, we are beginning a 4 week journey on this thing.
Looking at prayer afresh.
Looking to be people where prayer actually changes something, changes everything, changes the world!
Exploring what and how and why.
Getting it settled in our lives again for this next season that God has us in.
Jesus said many things about what prayer can be like for us including:
Ask and it will be given to you
If you believe, you will get anything you ask for in prayer
Max Lucado summarises it I think really well!
"Jesus never attached such power to other endeavours. "Plan and it be given to you." "You will get anything you work for." Those words are not in the Bible but these are -
If you remain in Me and follow my teachings, you can ask anything you want, and it will be given to you - John 15:7
Before we dive into this area over the next month can I remind you and me this?
That Jesus is not looking for experts and perfectionists in prayer over relationship.
Your relationship with Him far outweighs the need for proficiency in prayer.
He wants you. And from relationship prayer should be an overflow...
Looking forward to the journey with you!
Something to think about...
Hi Pastor Lockie.
I just wanted to encourage you with these "simple thoughts"- I read them each time they come through my in-box, and I find them great.
You may not remember who I am. My husband is Darryl , and 2 of our daughters came to yr Yth Gp- Briana and Kelly.
Lisa Drinnan
Thanks Lisa - certainly haven't forgotten you all! Hope you are doing ok and please know you are always welcome...
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