It means - someone with a reason for doing something, someone stirred, excited, having a new zeal and/or realisation.
When we decided to look at our 'heritage' recently this was the main result we were looking for.
Not that people would just be informed. Not that it would be a well constructed History Channel experience. But that it would stir us to see what God could in our generation...
Because if God really is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, then I firmly believe He can do something amazing in our time and we can be part of creating a godly heritage.
So on Sunday we gave people some options on how to respond to what we have learned.
I wanted to pass them on again here today. Not because I don't have anything else to share, it is just that I don't want to move on from this time without some sort of response.
If you were there please take a few moments to remind yourself what God put on your heart and have the courage to step into it.
Build Yourself
2 Peter 1:3-8 encourages us to ultimately add to our faith.
Not to just exist or sit around, but partner with what God can do with us and through us.
We asked the question of ourselves - "what can I add to my faith right now that would help build me up in Christ?" - what is your answer?
Built people are in a better place to leave an inheritance.
Go Fishing
Jesus calls us as disciple to not only have the privilege of knowing Him but also so we can partner with Him.
“Come along with me and I will show you how to fish for the souls of men!”
Matthew 4:19 the living bible
My encouragement to you is to think and act like a fisherman.
One that plans, prepares, expects to catch something.
And even if you don't - that you can't wait for the next opportunity.
Fisherman are not called fisherman because they tried once and maybe failed.
They are called fisherman because that is what they do, who they continue to be...
Leave an Inheritance
Proverbs tells us that "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children…"
For you what could that be?
And for us as a Church what?
Inheritance is best when it is intentional. What could you and I be intentional with that will leave something for generations far beyond us.
Finally, when I think of my heritage I am actually very grateful.
Men and women in the most difficult of circumstances at times, won for us most of what we have right now. That motivates me now to want to do the same for others.
I want to create heritage!
Something to think about...
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