Wednesday, May 13, 2009

There was once a job I thought I might like to have…
To be a food critic.

It seems so exciting.
You get to go around eating lots of cool things.
Sometimes you don’t even have to pay.
People fear you even, if you are respected enough.

Obviously that is not the career path I went down…

An pastor/author I follow sometimes said this recently:
“I'd rather be a film maker than a film critic”
Mark Batterson

He actually brings up a really good point!

Anyone can be a critic.
Anyone can have an opinion and find someone to share it with. And anyone can find fault with someone else’s efforts.
But it seems to me that the person who has the most fun is the person who takes a chance. Who puts something out there. The person who offers the world something.

It is easy for all of us to sit on the sidelines and critique the world around us. Even the church.
It takes a different sort of person to get out there and make a difference.
And guess what?
You can be that sort of person!

If you know Jesus...
If you have the Spirit of God resting on your life…
You can do amazing things, even if you don’t think you can right now.

Part of Gods plan for your life is to have you on the field.
To be the one making the movie.
Making that masterpiece of a meal.
Where ever you find yourself, and with whatever you find in your hand.

God refers to our lives as like salt.
And just like our lives, they don’t have as much impact sitting there looking pretty.
You are designed to be in the world and flavor it as much as possible.
That is who God designed you to be.

Something to think about….

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