Thursday, May 07, 2009

I wonder if you are like me?

If you are like me then you want to be healthy in life, even if you sometimes lack the will power to follow through with the goal.

But something has occurred to me recently, that maybe being healthy in my body is only one part of the whole equation.
I have met plenty of physically fit people struggling with issues. Struggling with depression. Struggling to make a relationship work.

I read some research recently.
It talked about how not only diet can effect our health, but that your relationships can as well.

The University of Utah did a study on 150 couples and found some crazy results…
Women who buried anger rather than speaking out were more likely to succumb to heart disease than wives who were vocal, the study found.
And when women became domineering and controlling, rather than seeking consensus, damage was done to husbands' coronary health.*

In another country some similar research was done…
Researchers found that those with hostile intimate relationships were 34 percent more likely to experience chest pains, heart attacks, and other heart trouble.
Even after typical contributing factors such as obesity, smoking, and drinking were eliminated from the equation, those in troubled relationships were still at 23 percent greater risk for a heart attack.

"If you have good people around, it's good for your health," said lead researcher Roberto De Vogli. "If you have bad people around you, it is much worse for your health."*

When Jesus said that he wanted us to have life and have it in its fullness, he wasn’t just talking about weight loss or having fun fuzzy feelings each morning.
When you look at your life…
...remember that all of it is important.
Your relationships will effect your life!
Let’s try and make sure we have good ones...

Something to think about….


* Source Ted DeHass, Bedford, Iowa, and Brandon O'Brien, assistant editor,

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