To be honest I was not sure what to say this week…
When you do these little devotional type things there is a little pressure you feel to make it exciting, so that you will read it.
Everyday you are probably sent things to read, and you have to decide whether they are important enough to look at.
You probably get bulk email forwards like I do, mostly with mindless entertainment. Sometimes you probably just delete before looking at it.
Just a few moments a go I got something.
A bulk email that I could choose to look at or bin 13.
I looked at it...and now it has taken me several moments to get over it!
People say all the time in ‘church circles’ that God is good and he is faithful and that he meets our needs, I think because we live in a place where we can get stuff and enjoy our surroundings to some degree, we do eventually take it for granted.
Because God is good all the don’t notice it simply because you don’t have anything to compare it too.
Contrast is what makes things stand out.
Think of a picture. Without contrasts in colour and shape it is really uninteresting and even hard to understand. In fact it is sometimes a blur.
Back to this email…
What I saw in the email had huge contrast to my life!
The life in the email was barren, pathetic and very uncomfortable.
My life is full.
I know God has blessed me!
While I may not be able to go down to Harvey Norman and buy a new 42 inch LCD...I am not hungry or without hope.
I am not like the picture of the little boy, licking (I guess that is what it was) a cows butt just to stay alive. Note—I am not trying to be sensational is what I saw!
So what I do when faced with this type of contrast in my world?
How should I respond to what I have seen?
It took me a few moments to recover and then this is my thought...
Thank God for what you have
Do something with what you have
Thank God today for what he has already given you.
You are indeed blessed no matter how blessed you might feel.
In Acts it says this about Jesus…
That he went around doing good and releasing people from oppression.
If you are in a position to it!
Jesus should we.
PS If you want to see the email let me know and I will forward to you...
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