Thursday, November 08, 2007

Once again I reminded about how complicated we are…

On one hand we love the idea of freedom.
We pursue it. We admire it. We even imitate William Wallace in the movie Braveheart, where he cries in the throws of death “freedom…”
One the other...we cry out for more rules.

When something is wrong we sometimes want new rules.
Something's not right and we want government legislation.
In the last few days, some innocent people got hurt by a couple of fireworks...and now the government is looking to ban them :(
If there is a chance something might go wrong, you will need a permit.
Even trying to get a simple bonfire is impossible without a $3,000 application fee. Crazy!

Can’t help but wonder whether as humans we are naturally confused?

When Jesus was on the earth, he addressed the religious leaders and gave them a hard time about all their rules. About how they couldn’t live up to them and yet they were expecting others too.
He addressed the fact that rules do not bring anyone closer to God or help people grow. A lot of the time I think they can help us fail.
God says he far prefers mercy to sacrifice. That if he has to choose between them...he will pick mercy over religious rules any day!

Elsewhere it says that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law (rules).
He completed them so we would not need them quite the same.
He completed them so we could have freedom.

The harder question to answer is how do you help?
How do you make things better without more restriction.

Jesus said that he wanted us to have life and have it to the full.
He also summarized the 10 commandments into 2, in a sense getting rid of some rules. Or did he?

The ideal to me seems to be relationship.
Right relationship with God.
Right relationship with People.
If they are right, we do right. It is then what we ‘naturally’ want to do.
Better relationships means we need less rules...

So instead of looking for more rules.
Look for more relationship.
More rules will not save our world or ultimately save you or me.
It is all about relationships!

Well that is what I think anyway...

God bless


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