There are a few things in my life at the moment that revolve around fire.
I friend of mine recently moved to California to start a new job.
A series of out of control fires have sprung up in that particular part of the world causing lots of damage and even loss of life. I rang him just to make sure he was ok, as he is only 50km from the edge of the disaster area.
A tradition I have grown up with, and have really enjoyed is Guy Fawkes.
It is this crazy event where we have fires (if the council let’s you) and set off fireworks. Apparently it is to commemorate the catching of a guy call Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the English parliament buildings.
Which obviously got me thinking about fire.
The Bible talks about a day we call Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was first poured out onto the early Christians, In the Book of Acts it says that “tongues of fire came down and rested on them”.
That would have been pretty cool to see!
Jesus even said that God wants to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. And that God will test our lives with fire.
Hebrews even says that God is a consuming fire!
There is this strange balancing act in this area.
On one hand we want fire...and on the other we want to put them out.
1 Thessalonians 5:19 says
Do not put out the Spirit's fire
One fire we want and that we don’t want to put out, is what God is doing and wants to do in our lives!
Many people as they get older think they have God all sorted out.
They think God only works in certain ways that they have experienced.
They miss the point that God is ultimately creative and wants to do new things!
The Holy Spirit wants to do new and amazing things through your life.
We need to stay hungry and not grow ‘old’ in our faith thinking.
I personally want the fire of God to be in my life.
To be a christian that we call ‘on fire for God’
I pray the same for you this week!
How about asking God what that means for you???
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