The Jewish Temple had places with very specific location, meaning and importance.
Outer Court.
Inner Court.
Bowls, Stands etc
Lots of places that made up the whole.
You could safely say that each part was important, because the temple couldn't function as well as intended if one was faulty or neglected or even missing.
And the temple seemed to be at its peak of importance or impact when God was filling the whole thing. I think of Solomon and his temple dedication. It is recorded that God's presence was so strong and enveloping that nothing could happen. That is pretty cool!
Now if our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, it makes sense that every place of our lives needs to be considered. As the original temple had are I have all sorts of places.
That the ultimate expression of our temple is that God could be in every possible place.
So the question for you and me is simple...
Is He?
Does He have permission to be in all the rooms of our soul?
Can He safely and with our blessing invade and occupy us?
Or is there somewhere you are holding Him out of?
Is there a place you don't want Him to be at the moment?
I have found that the more room I give to God the more He will actually take.
And the more I do, the more I feel His presence in my life.
The challenge is to honestly access or audit the true condition of our temple.
Can I encourage you this week to give Him all the places of your life?
Let Him completely in. Let His glory fill your temple.
Something to think about...
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