Wednesday, June 25, 2014

thoughts on 'this temple'...*eight*

We wrapped up our Sunday teaching series recently on 'The Temple'.
And as part of closing it off we looked at the idea of how our temple can be known for certain things:
A place of Worship.
A place of Prayer.
A place of Sacrifice.
The concept being that the old testament version was known for those things, so as the living breathing temples should we also be able to be described along the same lines?

Here is another one I would love to share with you briefly...

As part of the worship, prayer and sacrifice seen in Jerusalem, a lot of this activity was motivated it seems be a desire for forgiveness.
Each year the high priest would offer very specific sacrifices on behalf of the nation.
Individuals during each year would regularly perform smaller rituals.
All in the add of cleansing their consciences towards God.
To seek His forgiveness and His favour over their lives.

Now that you and I are temples of the Holy Spirit...what sort of temple are we?
Would someone be able to describe you as "A place of Forgiveness"?
As you wander through life, could this be a descriptor of how you operate?

Because we are not fixed to an earthly stone foundation, we are able to move freely around the world and interact with so many.
I believe God designed us this way so that this temple, a place of forgiveness, can move around as many of possible. Sharing His love. Giving hope and freedom.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32 niv

Can I encourage this week the seek to be that temple for God?
To be a place that offers and receives forgiveness...
I think you will change your world and those you come into contact with!

Something to think about...

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