Jesus surprised a lot of people many years a go when He said these words...
"It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.” Matthew 15:11 NLT
And maybe you are like me and are still astounded at that statement?
When I read those words I feel very challenged!
It reminds me that I am in some way based on the words I speak to others and myself.
When I say rubbish things it reveals to me that maybe there is some rubbish in my life?
It is such a powerful litmus test of my character and attitude level. Using the very words I have spoken as a guide to what is really going on inside me.
Why did Jesus bring this up?
Simply because the religious people of the time were focusing on task and role and image...while forgetting that their words and actions truly showed the condition of their hearts.
We can kid ourselves when we base our so called 'goodness' or even 'holiness' solely on the things we do.
Even this week I have taken moments to review what I said and how I have said them.
There have been times I have figuratively patted myself on the back.
And to my shame, other moments when I have hung my head in shame.
Those words of Jesus have pierced my world to show me the true condition of my heart and my desperate need for more of Him.
Doesn't it also say that out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks?
Words never just appear by accident.
When we think they are accidental it is more like a true sign post to our true insides at that time.
I thank God that He is for me and not against me.
That His dream is to turn this living, walking and even talking temple into as best a place for Him to reside as possible!
Maybe this week you can take a quick review of your words?
To let them show where you are truly at.
And ultimately drive you to cry out for His work to continue in your heart!
Something to think about...
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