Thursday, May 01, 2014

Has God Moved?

Have you ever gone to visit someone and got a surprise when you find out that they have moved on?
Maybe you have gone to a favourite store to purchase something and been shocked to find a note on the door saying things have changed?
Or maybe you have gone to your favourite cafe to find your favourite staff member has left, and things are not quite like they used to be?

I can relate to all those statements.

Sometimes I hear people say things like...
"I used to hear from God. It seemed a lot easier than it is now..."
"God doesn't speak clearly to me anymore" 
And as they talk about this frustration you get the impression that many think God has moved?
To a person in that situation it is like He snuck away without any warning.
It feels kind of rude that He would do such a thing.

A doctrinal position that is firmly established in scripture and has been outworked since creation is this...

God does not change. 
God does not move.

Check out these passages:

Hebrews 13:8 niv
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

Malachi 3:6 nlt
"I am the Lord, and I do not change..."

James 1:17 niv
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

So if you think God has moved, can I suggest this as a course of action for you?

Stop and actually look at where you are, not where you think God should be.
God doesn't move...people do.
God doesn't change, but as people we do.
If you think God has stopped speaking, ask yourself if you have changed in any way from when you used to hear from Him.
Maybe you don't read His Word or pray like you once did?
Maybe you are doing something different in your life or dare I say differently from how you once did?
If you can't see Him at work, ask yourself if you are still looking with the same eyes of faith that you used to.

And if after all this checking you find you have indeed moved instead of God...
Just move back!
Let the grace of God help lead you to where you need to be.
Make choices. Make the changes.
Do whatever you need to to move into your better place with Him.
Then you see He has never moved away from you - He loves you too much for that to be His choice!

Something to think about...

1 comment:

Jack McNeill said...

That's awesome, Dad! Something to think about 😉