Friday, February 24, 2012

Pursuit of Happiness - Part 3

I think most people would say that pressure affects their happiness.
This simple equation goes that if you have increasing pressure, then that would equal a corresponding lose in happiness.
The more of one, the less of the other.
So we all run around in life trying on some level to get rid of pressure. Because we ultimately believe removing it will make us happy.

Let’s now look at it another way...
If you removed pressure from the water supply, would you like the result?
If you removed pressure from you hot water cylinder, how would you feel?

You see, pressure is not the is the management of it that defines its enemy status.
Management of pressure means things work the best. And when things work the best, that can equal some happiness for us.

With that now in mind, think of times in your life where you were under some pressure.
Now split those memories up into when it was out of control and when it was under some control.
I would bet you a good flat white that the later was when you felt happy.
I have done the same challenge today and can think of plenty of times where while under controlled pressure, I had an awesome time! Whether it was working with a group on an important project. To doing something crazy for the first time. They hold fond memories for me.
Controlled pressure means something is actually happening in our lives.
Uncontrolled pressure just means everything feels out of control.
No pressure at all could mean you don’t have a pulse???

So the key to all this...
One word.


To be a happiness sort of person you need boundaries.
Can I take that now a step further?
If you have ‘godly’ boundaries you will be even more better off.

Something to think about...

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