Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This simple thought is unashamedly going to carry on from what we shared on Sunday.
Like I always try to do, I try to share something from God that you can implement in your life beyond the moment you hear it.
I never just want to give people information.
I think helping someone’s life to be impacted is a way better outcome!

One of my favourite scriptures from Sunday…

Romans 12:10 ESV
Love one another with brotherly affection.
Outdo one another in showing honour.

Outdo one another...awesome stuff.
God getting us to be a little competitive over honour.

So is this something you do? Am I doing enough myself?
The reality is that we probably have a lot more room in our lives to honour others.
Even this morning I was thinking of how I could honour some of the most influential people who have been part of my life. Then it hit me. Publish it via this format.
This is not meant to embarrass anyone.
My heart is to express some thanks and honour to some of those who have truly impacted my life in some way.
So here goes…wish I could honour more!

Mum & Dad
It goes without saying that you are why I am here!
Thanks for being my parents. For blessing me so much in my childhood with so many opportunities and fantastic holidays!

Even though Gran you will never read this since you are 96...I still want to honour you for being awesome!Living not far from you as a kid was fantastic. All those afternoon teas have not been forgotten. The Whipped Cream and Honey Puffs for breakfast are an enduring memory.

Chris Chilton
Thanks for the support of my band when I was a teenager, when no one else seemed to believe in us. That newspaper article in the Southland Times is still a firm favourite in our house.

Sharon Winning (different last name now)
Thanks Sharon for letting me stay with you when I moved to Auckland in 91. Your support has more to do with my life now that what we probably both realize.

Dave Foote
You may not remember it, but without your invitation to eat some pizza and watch a video...I would not be doing what I do now. Your invitation changed everything for me! Thanks Major D...from Angus MC

John Houston
You will always be remembered by me as the guy who saw something in me that no one else saw. You took me under your wing as they say and helped me get started on my journey.

Mark Bilton
You and Helen were such a support. Letting me stay with you some weekends. Helens breakfast in bed was awesome! So honoured to know to you both. Never forgotten what you shared over my life the day I got baptised!

Don Newitt & Mandy Haynes
Thank you for believing in me and supporting me beyond what is normal. The opportunity to serve in your Church, to minister when we went away, and the ultimate of living with your family!
Wow, you deserve to be honoured!

Dave & Jean Fraser
It is still staggering to think you would ask me to live with you while I went to Bible College. You didn’t know me, but chose to sacrifice to enable me to grow in God. Thank you!

Chris Bethwaite
Good friends are sooo important. You have been there through most of my adult life. Good and Bad times. Thanks for being my mate!

Russell Ballantyne
You took me on as a staff member when it seemed not many others thought I could be of value. What you did for me set me on the course we are now on. Your belief in me made a huge difference!

Luke Brough
Another amazing Man of God who has supported me, believed in me and set me up for a fantastic future. You have done more for me than most would ever know. You are a fantastic leader and I count it an honour to be part of your team.

Rachel & Hayden Briscoe
Thank you for honoring us a little while ago with your connect group. You taught us a lot about honour!

Lynette & Treacle Warn
I never thought I would love sport like I do now. You Lynette are my super coach! Thanks for helping me get started and pushing me. Hope I can make you proud by achieving some other sporting goals.

Steven Furtick
Your messages and what you have done as a leader really inspires me. The world needs plenty more Church leaders like you!

Craig Groeschel
What an amazing example you are!
Your generosity is something that stands out in our world and amongst the Church. You deserve to be honoured for the impact you are having around the world!

So that is me just getting started…
Who can you think of to honour today?
What are you to do to about it?
How are you going to express it?

Something to think about…and do something about…
Can you outdo me?

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