God wants you to have the whole picture.
Not just some idea of who He is, what He is about or even what He is looking for.
While this for most of us takes a lifetime to get close to, it is still at the heart I believe of Gods plan for you and me.
That is why I get ‘concerned’ about what many other Christians believe, promote and live by sometimes.
It seems they have learnt, been taught or just decided God is a certain way only, and then have lined up their life accordingly.
I have been reading a book by an author I used to really enjoy. But lately his messages have made me more and more uncomfortable. It is like something is missing…
His latest offering has tipped me over the edge.
I am struggling to read it because there is a lot missing from the story. It is like he has decided God is just one thing and that one thing to him overrides everything else about God.
It concerns me greatly what others now believe after reading his ideas, and the consequences that may follow?
Other leaders have lately wandered into debates over sexuality.
This is so dangerous when you don’t give the full story.
Basing an answer purely on scientific thought while ignoring the Bible completely can never be seriously considered ‘God’s will’ in my opinion.
An older friend of mine told me that the Bible said he could leave his wife because the Greek original text said he could. The major problem there is that he got the translation wrong!
That didn’t stop others around agreeing with him.
People like you and me make life changing decisions based on what we think we know.
Check out this scripture…
Acts 20:27 NKJV
For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.
Why did Paul say this?
Because he wanted his listeners to be prepared.
He wanted them to finish their race.
He even warns them that... 29For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
My encouragement to you is pretty simple really...
Don’t be afraid to read God’s word.
Don’t be afraid to wrestle with concepts and check them out with people who you know you can trust.
Don’t be afraid to cry “God, help me to understand!”
Please don’t settle for less than the whole!
Go after the FULL GOSPEL!
You are worth it...
Something to think about…
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