one word you could use, but it still doesn’t convey what we feel.
Once a upon a time each generation would be able to point to half a dozen natural disasters over a lifetime as something they heard of. This generation seems to be able to surpass that now with ease.
When the boxing day tsunami hit and over 100,000 died, that was a huge deal.
Then there was Haiti.
Recently there was Christchurch.
And now we have Japan!
People are asking questions.
I overheard staff at a cafe I was visiting asking if it was the end of the world?
To which the logical question would be “is it the end of the world?”
And if it is really the end of the world “what can I do?” “What should I do?”
It seems the option of burying you head in the ground hoping it will stop will not work.
The ground keeps on moving anyway.
Am I scared? Of course I am a little.
I wonder what is going to happen to me, my little family, and all the people I care a lot about.
That is why a question to ask is “what happens next?”
So here is the deal.
It is my opinion so you don’t have to agree.
I share it in the hope that it might give you an option and give you some hope.
The Bible talks about this earth not lasting forever.
It was never designed to anyway.
It also says that one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth. A place where there will be no more weeping, no more pain. I like the sound of that!
So I have placed my hope ultimately in the one who promised us that.
Would you like to do the same?
Something to think about…
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