Wednesday, March 09, 2011


If you have been at one of our Sunday services recently you would have heard us talking for a few weeks on how to grow.
Growing is the most natural thing to do. But many forget that growth is only by intent, not by accident…

There is an aspect of growth that many don’t want.
Realising you have grown through something, or learnt something pivotal to your life is a fantastic feeling.
But I guarantee that on the way to that moment of satisfaction there may have been another feeling…


Unfortunately pain seems to accompany growth.
No shortcuts from Pastor Locky for you here today!
Keep reading though...I will make it worth your while...

When I was young I used to get what my mum called ‘growing pains’. It was this dull ache in my legs on many nights. She encouraged me and said it is a sign that I am growing, that something inside of me is changing. That I am further along in my journey to become the man I will one day be.

Sports people have even used a mantra for many years…‘No Pain—No Gain’
That one is true as well unfortunately.
I wish I could get fitter without any discomfort.
The reality is that fitness comes from effort not just a good idea. The pain is a good sign you might be doing something right to achieve your goal.

In fact, without any pain or discomfort you should be nervous. It might indicate you have stopped growing?
Now I am not being all fatalistic or masochistic.
It is just that as a disciple, pain is not something to run away from. I am not telling you to enjoy it, but pain is an indicator on your journey of growth.
I have watched too many run from the challenges of life, which were the very things that they would grow through. All because they wanted to avoid pain.

The Bible says we are people who do not shrink back.
That we should endure hardship.
That we should be known for our perseverance.

Why, so you grow into the person God dreams you can be…
Come on. Lets get some pain...and achieve the goal!

Something to think about…


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. certainly agree. Pain is outside our comfort zone. Stepping out, trusting God, can be uncomfortable/ painful, but with perseverance we can grow. By being planted in His Word and His church, helps us to get through the pain. Wal

Locky McNeill said...

Thanks for the feedback :)