Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have been thinking this week about life…
And I have decided that a person can only be one of 3 things when it comes the Kingdom of God.
- Growing
- Stagnant
- Shrinking

The Bible also describes it as being:
- Hot
- Luke Warm
- Cold

I am in no way wanting to beat you up or do the same to myself for that matter.
But I have decided in my heart that I want to be the first one on both of those lists.
I want to be Hot. I want to be Growing.
And I want it be obvious not to others, but to myself.

You see, if you are really honest like I have been, you will know which one you are already as you read this.
And as it is with me, the ball is in our court.
I want to experience everything I can in God this year.
I want to see everything he wants me to see.
I want to spend myself completely on building His Kingdom personally (in my life) and corporately (in His Church).
I am changing stuff about my life to make this happen.
Not just sitting there hoping that it will happen.

The Bible tells us to encourage one another…
Well I want to encourage you to go hard.
Don’t be afraid to be passionate for God and His Kingdom growing on this earth.
Fight for it!
Fight for what could be and in fact should be.
Please don’t settle for average.

If there is anything I have seen over thousands of years of history between God and Man is this…
That God responds to us and our passion for Him.
Let’s go after Him together and with everything we have. And let’s see Him do some amazing things this year!

Something to think about…

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