I bet when you were a kid you liked bubbles!
In fact, I bet you probably still like them even if you don’t want to admit it…
Every time a bubble flies past me or one of my kids we can’t help but be fascinated by them.
We even have some ‘special’ mixture at home that makes them harder to pop.
You can catch them. Stack them.
And have all sorts of ‘bubbly’ fun.
As adults we can sometimes take something as innocent and simple as bubbles and turn them into something completely different. Bubbles that are lot more sophisticated.
They can be invisible.
They can be as large as a person.
So large you can actually fit inside one…
In fact I have seen them so big they can surround an entire group of people.
Bubbles to keep others out or keep others in.
I think bubbles were never supposed to last.
A bubble that lasts too long is dangerous!
Now I am not going to give you some woolly woofter speech about letting people in to make the world a richer more vibrant place. I think that cheapens the point really...
But I believe a life really lived is not about having bubbles around you. While it may protect you for a while, eventually that bubble will mean more to you than living itself.
I want to encourage you to look at your life.
Take a sharp object. Pop the bubble that may exist.
Maybe this year you could let someone new into your life?
Maybe that bubble has stopped you believing for something amazing to happen in your life? Well pop it!
Maybe it has stopped you from trying something new? Pop that one as well!
You might just be pleasantly surprised by what lies out there for you in 2011?
Something to think about…
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