Sometimes I feel like making my own bread…
There is something therapeutic about making it, smelling it as it cooks, and then eating it hot smoothed in buttery goodness!
The only problem with this craving is that it nearly always happens when I have every other ingredient in the house except the most influential one.
That being yeast...
Yeast is that special something that makes the bread expand and swell as it turns into the finished product we have been dreaming of.
Without it all you end up with is a small lump…
Jesus talked a bit about yeast, but with a little angle to it. He didn’t teach on how yeast will make the perfect loaf. What he did teach was that there are parallels between this little product and life in general.
Jesus and his friends were in a boat one day.
He starts to tell them to “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
Of course the disciples think they are in trouble because they forget to bring bread for their boat trip.
That wasn’t the point at all.
What Jesus was doing was relating yeast to an important principal for our lives.
Matthew 13:33 says this...
He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”
Jesus relates yeast to teaching...teaching being what you learn. What you study. What you let into your life that has the power to influence your thinking, attitudes and ultimately the direction you take.
This yeast is a double edged sword for us.
It can be good for you and it can be bad for you.
It will effect you. This is guaranteed.
The type of yeast or teaching is the key.
Jesus warned his friends that religious people will present teaching that will not help you at all.
Exposure to it will effect you. It is yeast. It will get in.
The opposite is true. Good yeast, good teaching will effect you. It will get in.
So the next logical step is ask yourself…“what teaching am I exposing myself too?”
You can’t say that is doesn’t matter.
What you expose yourself to will effect you just like yeast will to dough.
If you want good stuff to happen in you and through you, check your yeast is good yeast.
Don’t be like me and forget about the yeast stored in the fridge...which has now expired…
Get some good yeast into your life.
It will cause you to grow. That is a certainty!
Something to think about…
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