Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Everyday I used to pray the same thing.
In fact I am safe in saying without being a normal exaggerating Pastor (being evangelastic), that I did it everyday for years.

So what was this prayer I hear you say across the cyberspace gap between us?

Simply this...

“Help me to hide Your Word in my heart
So that I might not sin against You”

Now this isn’t something I came up with on my own.
Someone wrote it in a very long song to God that you can find in the Bible under Psalm 119:11

Everyday when I sat down to read the Bible I prayed that prayer. I recognized then and I still recognize now, that I am more than capable of sinning.
If it was good enough for that Psalm writer to say that, then it is definitely a good idea for me.

That writer recognized I think that whatever is on the inside of you is probably who you really are.
That what rests inside us, our thoughts, desires, attitudes will take us somewhere. That they will come out somehow even if we don’t want them to.
The writer recognized that a major key to trying to stay on track was to replace the junk inside with God’s Word.
It is this idea that we have a better chance of doing the right things if what is on the inside of us is right.

Like the Bible also says about itself...that it can get into even the marrow of our bones. That is pretty deep!
That those words we read in the Bible can change our thoughts and motivations.

The key is getting it in there in the first place.
It is not just a band-aid for sin but a vaccination from sin.

So what is on the inside of you?
Do you want it to be different from what it is now?
How about taking some time this week to just read a Bible?
But before you about praying that prayer?

“Help me to hide Your Word in my heart
So that I might not sin against You”

Something to think about…and to do...

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