Why is it that being honest seems one of the hardest things for humans to do?
I mean, we can conquer mountains.
Break land speed records.
Break out of orbit and fly to the moon.
We have all this ability...yet without the natural ability to tell the truth.
Just watch a Motorway Patrol programme and see all the dishonesty plastered around…
“No officer...I wasn’t speeding”
“No officer..I just don’t have my license on me”
“No osifer...I’m not *hiccup* drunk!”
Plus you have that famous line...“no, I did not have sexual relations with that women”
The reality is that we don’t want to get into trouble by telling the truth.
For many, truth equals bad things happening to you. Being dishonest can simply be an attempt to protect yourself from the consequences of whatever thing has happened.
Again the reality is that you are only hurting yourself and delaying the inevitable.
The challenge for us as believers is to be honest.
It doesn’t matter how much everyone else around is being honest, how much you are is the most important thing.
Can I encourage you to be honest on three levels?
With yourself.
With others.
And with God.
The Bible is really simple and clear on this.
It tells us to answer others honestly...let your yes be yes or your no be no.
It encourage us to confess our sins to one another, so that we can be healed from whatever it hurting us.
It also shows us to not be afraid to pour our hearts out to God, like David did in many of his Psalms.
It is slightly tacky, but the phrase makes sense…
‘Honesty is the best Policy’
May this be a mark of your character?
May you have the courage to be honest with your life and by your actions?
May you and I be known as a people of honesty?
Something to think about…
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