I would probably be one of the first to say I struggle sometimes with the facts and figures parts of the Bible.
You know those long stories of who gave birth to who.
How many people were in each family.
In fact most of the book of Numbers…
But I have been surprised again by what you can learn from all the ‘detail’ found in the Bible.
Isn’t that what it is supposed to do anyway?
Be this sharp sword thing...that is living...and is more than just words on many pages?
I was checking out that cool story recently where Jesus turns water in wine.
But have you actually checked out how much wine?
And does it really matter?
When I was reading it, it mentions how big the jars were that the servants filled. Not only did they put some water in them, they filled them to the top...there was no more room.
That was potentially over 600 litres of water turned into wine!
And that is a lot of wine.
In fact in today’s terms that is 800 bottles of the stuff.
We aren’t talking cheap wine on special from PaknSave. We are talking about the ‘good stuff’.
Depending on your definition of ‘good stuff’ that means, God gave them a minimum of $24,000 worth of wine!
And if that wine was my favourite called the Larose, it would have been $160,000 worth of wine.
Not bad for a wedding gift from God!
The one thing I get loud and clear from this story is this... God is very, very, very, generous!
And judging by Jesus attitude towards it all, it didn’t seem that hard for him to do it either…
So maybe this week this story can encourage you, remind you and help you see?
To see that God is huge and providing generously for us is not hard for him.
Check him out...and see what he might do?
Something to think about…cheers!
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