Wednesday, January 06, 2010


It seems that every few weeks I come up with a word that we use...and realize that I don’t fully know why we use it.

There is a word used by religious people.
By people who say they know God.
It is used be a few religions actually.
It is generally always used after everything else has been said.
Sometimes it is in songs. Most of the time it is in prayers.

And that word is…AMEN.

Do you know what it means?
Do you know why we say it so much?
Even each Sunday we seem to encourage our churches to say it with us as leaders.

Here is what I found out…
The common english translations of the word amen include: truly, so say we all, so be it, and let it be.*
It can also be used to express strong agreement in what has already been said.
Some say that from its Hebrew origins, it actually is an acronym. Something to remind us of a larger meaning.
In this case the Hebrew people believed that it was an acronym for God, trustworthy King.*

Paul wrote these words…
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20

And that is totally the point!
Amen is like us saying Yes to God.
We are acknowledging again that what God has promised, we are totally buying into.
We are saying we agree.
We are saying to God that we mean what we have just said, or we totally agree with what someone else said.

So as you say it sometime this week…
Maybe many times this week…
You maybe now have a better idea of what you are saying and how cool it is say it!

Something to think about…


* source acknowledgement :

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