Just this morning some amazing pictures have come through from Germany of a disaster that has befallen a family there…
Overnight a boulder came down a hill and landed on top of their house as they reportedly watched TV.
According to msn.com the father and daughter were killed, while the mother and son are recovering in hospital.
Overnight a boulder came down a hill and landed on top of their house as they reportedly watched TV.
According to msn.com the father and daughter were killed, while the mother and son are recovering in hospital.
You look around their house and see a similar styled home next to it completely untouched.
You wonder why that particular house?
What lead up to this disaster?
Even how random that you can be watching TV one minute, and then dead the next?
‘Life’ is such an amazing thing really.
One day (of which none of us can remember) you come into the world as a baby. Screaming and covered in goop.
Then on a day that not many can predict, you life stops as we know it on this little planet.
In the Bible, Peter says we are “heirs of this gracious gift of life”
James 4:14 says…
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
This week, let us not look at our lives as something we can take for granted.
Life truly is a gift!
The moments we get with it are finite in this world.
The people we get to have contact with are the same.
We are here only for a little while really.
Maybe this week you can look at life a little differently?
Something to think about…