Someone recently prayed that I would have an opportunity to pastor my own church…
...the next day I got a call offering me such a role.
We prayed about getting our kids into a certain school…
...and found a home in the right school zone.
I prayed for a certain meeting I was nervous about to go better than I expected…
...and it was awesome.
I have asked for God to provide certain things I need…
...and he has!
I think I pray for stuff all the time.
And then promptly forget that I had asked for it…
...then God makes it work out.
...and then I remember...
I wonder if sometimes we pray, not expecting anything?
Like prayer is some religious thing to do and it not being something that changes your life, circumstances and/or everything?...
Hopefully you get the idea that prayer works!
That when you pray, when you talk to God…
...that he actually hears.
And his heart is to answer.
I just find I have to remind myself regularly that this is how it works.
Jesus even said for us to ask, seek and knock.
To bring our requests to the one place, the one God who can actually do something for us.
Why not give it a go today?
Again and again…
Something to think about...
1 comment:
Hi Locky ,Suze
Bible said: He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. whatever he does prospers.(Psalm 1:3)
May God blesses you......:)
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