Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For those of you reading these simple thoughts for sometime, you will no doubt realise we are coming to a close on a season.
A season where for the last few years I have enjoyed sharing with you my thoughts and feelings.
A season where I have learnt as much as anyone reading these about how big and unlimited a life adventure with God can be.

Today I was thinking about something I can not avoid…


Now if you know me very well you will know that I am not a handyman. I am the first to admit I don’t enjoy working around the home on stuff. I much prefer hanging out with people and drinking lots of COFFEE!!!

Renovations are messy.
You have stuff everywhere.
You find it harder to find things around all the upheaval.
But eventually you finish and it is always worth while.
The short term drama is worth the result.

Early next week we a removing the lino in the kitchen and getting it sanded and resealed.
Again it won’t be much fun getting it done.
But it will satisfying afterwards.

As we move into a new season in our life...going to Taupo to Pastor a great little feels a little uncomfortable as we work through the preparations.
But I know it will be so worth it!In fact is an exciting little adventure.

Don’t shy away from this mucky stuff in life.
Don’t avoid it at all.
Press on.
Press in and see what great new season you can enter into after a short time.
As always keep your eyes on him who is calling you forward into your future...and him who is moving you from your past.

Something to think about...

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