Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I got a shock today when I found out a good mate of mine was in New Zealand after a long time away overseas…

I want to tell you a little about our relationship.
Just hearing he was back made me think of a story to tell you. I think it is cool!

On one of his last quick visits a number of years a go now, we did our usual…
We got together a few times and ate stuff!
I remember going out for many lunches and just enjoying each others company.

One day after eating way too much we sat down to talk about our shared love of music and where we were both at with it.
He shared his dream of travelling Europe in a band.
My dreams were a little closer to home.

Then we moved onto sharing some of the songs we had written. We played some we both knew of each other.
Some of his.
Some of mine.
...and then he asked me a dreaded question…

“Have I written anything new lately?”

I partly didn’t want to answer.
You see, I had been working on a song.
But I thought it wasn’t any good.
It was too simple.
The words weren’t clever.
There wasn’t much complicated about the music.
...but her talked me into sharing it with him.

After playing it, I was wanting for him to confirm my suspicions, that it was indeed too average for anyone else to ever enjoy.
His reaction wasn’t that at all.
He loved it.
He loved it so much that he asked if he could have it for his own band to play.

In one moment I went from unconfident to confident over a simple song!
Because someone I cared about encouraged me!
Because of that moment of encouragement I worked some more on the song.
It went on to be one of the most requested songs when I was in my band.
We even used to sing it at church…

1 Thessalonians 5:11
...encourage one another and build each other up...

You have no idea what one simple word or comment of encouragement can do. It can change someone’s life!
How about this week you look for an opportunity to do that for someone.
Speak to them.
Encourage them.
And change their life!

Something to think about…

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