As I drove to an event on Saturday I had some time to think...I was thinking about what God is doing in my life.Thinking about what he might be wanting to do in my life.Wondering if I really do want God to do anything he wants in my life...
For years I have been at church services where we have sung about this thing we call surrender.
The whole idea of surrendering your will for His.
When you are in the moment with God in a service, it is really simple I think.
The reality after the moment is where it becomes more challenging. Maybe even a test.
Surrender can seem to many of us such a negative thing…
Our examples of surrender we have seen don’t always lead to positive results. Every movie I have seen shows people who surrender as people who have lost.
It is like you lose something that someone else takes by force from you.
But as with most things in the Kingdom of God… is a little different.
I believe that surrender in Gods eyes is not focused on what you give up, but more on what can be gained.
Romans 6:16 (nlt)
Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God)?
Surrender is ultimately saying to someone else, that they know best. “Have your way in my life”.
With God surrender takes you beyond where you are now.
It will even unlock more of your life, not restrict it.
So I was driving.
And I surrendered once again to what God wants to do in my life. I decided that is the way I want to go. God’s way.
I want everything that he has for me, not just what I know now...
So this week, take a moment...even right now.
Surrender to God whether it be your life or even just a part of it.
…and see what God might do...
Something to think about…
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