I love the way God has designed us. It is so cool!
Built into each one of us is a component you can not see no matter what the machine or
technology. But it can be one of the most powerful forces to guide you in life.
Remember how I am sharing on how to make big decisions/hear from God…
Well this force inside of you is put their at birth and develops through life to enable you to make right choices.
You can be like Luke from Star Wars and learn to use it or you can ignore it and suffer for it.
It is simply called your “conscience”
Bible verse after verse mention conscience and adds words like clear and good to describe how it should be.
When I was 8 my parents returned from an overseas trip that lasted some months.
They traveled right around the world including a country called Italy.
From wherever they went they brought home little souvenirs of the journey including money.
As an 8 year old I was fascinated by the 10,000 lira note they showed us. To me I could not understand that it was worth only a few dollars in New Zealand currency. I believed it was worth $10,000. More money than I had ever imagined.
One day I was showing it off to some kids and ended up wrestling with it...you can imagine what happens next!
Yes, we ripped it!!!
I was so upset. I thought I had ripped and destroyed $10,000 dollars.
So I hid the money and tried to pretend it never happened.
That night I could not sleep. My mum kept asking me what was wrong, but I could bring myself to tell her.
In fact many years went by before I did anything about my crime.
I lived with this horrible feeling in my gut for so long. Before I knew it was called a conscience.
Eventually I confessed and found out how silly I had been. But I learnt a valuable lesson...to listen to my
conscience and not to pretend it is not there. Otherwise I just hurt myself.
The Apostle Paul commended his friend Timothy to keep a clear conscience.
To let that conscience confirm he is making right choices.
1 Timothy 1:19
holding on to faith and a good conscience
Paul wrote in Hebrews that the Spirit of God will cleanse our conscience, so that we will be able to make right choices for our lives.
So when you face stuff. Check in with your conscience. How does it feel?
If you feel sick about it don’t do it!
Let the Holy Spirit and your conscience guide you in everything.
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