I have been thinking again this week on something most of us really try to get our head around…
How to make decisions…on the life changing things.
The major difference for us who are disciples is that we generally want to do something we call ‘Gods Will’.
Therefore our decision making can be either easy or stressful depending on how you look at it.
We should be able to derive comfort from knowing we have someone bigger than us to turn to for help with this stuff. It should give us confidence that we will get it right, if God is leading us like we hope.
Unfortunately I bump into many people who have all the above but still find making the ‘bigger’ calls on life
direction, a horrible situation to be in.
So I thought I would help us all out (myself included) and look at this over the next few weeks.
There are some characters in the Bible that inspire me more than others.
One of them is Paul, who used to be called Saul.
Have you ever thought about that? The fact that God changed his name by only one letter!
Maybe God could change my name to Rocky or Jocky or Mocky...let’s hope not.
Sorry, back to what I wanted to share…
Paul was used by God in amazing ways. You can read about him in the book of Acts. How God met him where he was at, and how God used him to change/enhance the course of the early church.
He faced so many drama’s and issues. He had to make very important decisions that he knew would effect more than just himself. He knew he had influence and wanted to get it right.
But I don’t read anywhere where he stressed or panicked on what he thought God wanted him to do.
He wanted to do things...that seemed good but we read this…
Acts 16:6
Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.
Paul was like is and wanted to do things that looked right on the surface. But he always kept a check on himself by checking with the Holy Spirit. Seeing what he could sense God wanted him to do.
It wasn’t just all about opportunity.
I think we make it hard for ourselves sometimes.
Trust God!
Trust that he will lead you to make the right decision.
Heart is everything! If you do all you can that is all you need to do.
God has invested life itself into you. He takes his job seriously to lead you and nurture you to maturity in him.
Stay soft and let the ‘still small voice of God’ lead you.
Maybe a good idea for you is to find a quiet place and just listen.
Ponder what God may speak to you, and trust you will hear from him...
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