Wednesday, June 05, 2024


I know I don't write as much anymore...

Lots of reasons for that and too long to explain in this simple thought, so maybe another day...

What I haven't ever stopped doing is looking at the world, what I believe to be true, what I am experiencing in life, and then trying to process it as logically as possible.

Many times over the last few years I have thought about writing on this topic of truth and felt so unqualified, so nervous, even too insecure to put "pen to paper" or words on a post. I am still there but also struggling not to say something or a whole lot of somethings!

I recognise that I have certain beliefs, dogmas and values. I truly hope they are right or as close to right as possible, with some possibility and opportunity to tweak and develop them better as time goes by.

So here is the essence of this simple thought today.
I am very concerned that we are all being conned.

I am basing this on several years of difficult research. Hours of reviewing my beliefs/truths against the backdrop of the social media I follow, the YouTube channels I watch and the ensuing recommendations each platform type gives me.
My discovery is maybe not new to you but I have come to fully believe our lives are being polarised potentially on purpose. The bias of algorithms are pervasive. They only ever push you in a direction someone else appears to have chosen for you or reinforces a position you already hold.

So here I am wondering if you or anyone else wants me to explain this further?
Or is this just for me to have realisation about?
Do I even want to put my head above the parapet of convention to be potentially fired upon?

At the least I want to encourage to look beyond what is being presented as truth these days.
And maybe I am fishing to see if this is the direction I should go, whether you want me to get back on the YouTube horse (or similar) and share my thoughts more about and with the world?

Something to think about...
and something I would love your feedback on!

1 comment:

Glennis said...

Hey Locky,
I have always loved your blogs and musings. I think it is really important to step back and view the world and input we receive. Not everything is as it first seems and it is really smart to apply critical thinking rather than just take things at face value.