When you approach life like this...with an attitude to always keep learning, then I truly believe the world is better for it, and you are better for it.
Life Long Learners keep looking to learn from experiences. Good or bad.
They don't run from uncomfortable. They see life and the experiences it offers, to be an amazing teacher.
Life Long Learners study subjects and ideas they are already familiar with and what they are not familiar with.
Life Long Learners don't lose what they have already attained in regards to knowledge, understanding and interpretation, they continually enhance their knowledge, understanding and interpretation.
Life Long Learners don't just study what they already know and agree with because that only brings reinforcement, not always revelation.
Life Long Learners never assume they are always right, 100% right. They leave room for fresh revelation, even correction. They value and hold onto humility. They don't choke if they realise they have to say "I was wrong".
Life Long Learners seek to understand instead of undermining. They seek to engage before enrage. They seek to make others better and not just come across as superior.
Life Long Learners don't run from what they don't like or don't currently understand. They take a breath, hatch a plan, and seek to learn how and why something is.
Life Long Learners are the opposite of entrenched, polarised, populist, arrogant and multiple other negative connotations.
So be a Life Long Learner.
Something to think about...
If you want to support what I have done and will do in the future, you can now do that with something called Buy Me A Coffee - your support means the world to us!
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