Thursday, November 11, 2021

Lumps [original song]


Click on the image to watch the YouTube Clip

If you want to support what I have done and will do in the future, you can now do that with something called Buy Me A Coffee - your support means the world to us!

Monday, November 08, 2021

Life Long Learner (why you should consider being one)

When you approach life like this...with an attitude to always keep learning, then I truly believe the world is better for it, and you are better for it.

Life Long Learners keep looking to learn from experiences. Good or bad.
They don't run from uncomfortable. They see life and the experiences it offers, to be an amazing teacher.

Life Long Learners study subjects and ideas they are already familiar with and what they are not familiar with.

Life Long Learners don't lose what they have already attained in regards to knowledge, understanding and interpretation, they continually enhance their knowledge, understanding and interpretation.

Life Long Learners don't just study what they already know and agree with because that only brings reinforcement, not always revelation.

Life Long Learners never assume they are always right, 100% right. They leave room for fresh revelation, even correction. They value and hold onto humility. They don't choke if they realise they have to say "I was wrong".

Life Long Learners seek to understand instead of undermining. They seek to engage before enrage. They seek to make others better and not just come across as superior.

Life Long Learners don't run from what they don't like or don't currently understand. They take a breath, hatch a plan, and seek to learn how and why something is.

Life Long Learners are the opposite of entrenched, polarised, populist, arrogant and multiple other negative connotations.

So be a Life Long Learner.

Something to think about...

If you want to support what I have done and will do in the future, you can now do that with something called Buy Me A Coffee - your support means the world to us!

Friday, November 05, 2021

Change we choose vs Change we don't (YouTube Version)


Click on the image to watch the YouTube Clip

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Change we choose vs Change we don't

Lately I have been thinking about change we chose vs change that is forced on us.
And I think there is a difference, certainly in the way we feel about it, how we respond and more...

It wasn't that long ago where you couldn't enter most businesses especially banks, unless you removed hats, face coverings, anything that impaired their ability to see your face completely.
You will know that has all changed, especially here in New Zealand. 
You currently can't enter any business or bank without looking like a modern day cowboy ready to rob it. We are all masked and covered.
We have had change forced upon us! And it feels different.

We face similar issues it seems in regards to our health.
You can make changes to get yourself healthy or the doctor could tell you change has to happen. 
Or maybe you ignore the advice and live with the circumstances?

Again there seems a big difference between change we choose, that we feel is our choice, where we feel we have a measure of control verses the alternative.

What I am trying to convey is this...
In life you actually get many choices. And one of them is to own the change you might recognise you need. You are smart enough to know change chosen by us as opposed to forced upon us, is inherently better.

So if this is speaking to you today?
Where you know you need to make a change...
Please be brave and make that change.
And if you need some help with it, ask for it, reach out to someone who could help you navigate the change you need right now in your life.

Something to think about...

*we have just posted a version of this blog as a vlog here*

If you want to support what I have done and will do in the future, you can now do that with something called Buy Me A Coffee - your support means the world to us!