Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Put a stake in it!

Maybe this could be what you need to hear today?
I would like to encourage you to put a stake in it!

What I mean is this...
That if you have a past you are not proud of or happy about, a season of life you want to move past, something that just hasn't been working for you...put a stake in the ground today. Thrust a spiritual marker post in the dirt and create a demarcation from the old and move step into the new.
The moment you do this in faith and add the most important component, Jesus Christ, you can become what scripture promises - you can become a new creation, the old is gone, the new can come.

I truly hope this isn't coming across as to simplistic?
It is just that many struggle to let some key things, moments, hurts etc go...
I am not saying to walk away from a difficult season to simply escape. We have to be careful not to run away from a 'work' God might be doing in us.
My 'simple thought' is that if right now your history is not helping but hindering you, make that history history!
Find your identity in Christ.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you with words and opportunities.
And keep that stake in your rearview mirror...

Peter had to put a stake in the ground and move past being a denier of Christ to a preacher of the Gospel. Maybe becoming Jesus most vocal defender?
Paul had to put a stake in the ground and move from destroying the Church to being key to building the Church.
What will a stake in the ground do for you and who you are destined to become?

Something to think about...

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