Yip, last century when I was really young, many of us were convinced that armageddon was just around the corner. The USA or USSR in a moment of trigger happy apprehension about their enemy was about to pull the trigger on their nukes.
When I watched a recent episode of 'The Goldbergs' they portrayed what many of us were worried about. All around the world we watched in horror a movie called "The Day After".
It showed our possible and very near future.
Nuclear war destroying us and the world around us.
My reaction was to freak a little.
When the first Iraq war was added to the mix my anxiety rose.
I even wrote songs about it in the vain hope they would salve me and maybe change the world?
This week I heard that a study has been released reporting this teenagers are now more anxious, stressed, depressed than ever in recent modern history. Even more than during the nuclear proliferation of the 80's and even more than the great depression of the 20's.
At the same time many have said of this generation that they are the most enlightened, educated and intelligent. With the all the 'woke sensibilities' of today people are struggling even more.
Personally I don't think the world is about it end at all!
Yes we have issues and problems and dramas, but the earth is still spinning on its axis and you still have breath in your lungs.
Even back when Jesus was walking the earth people were very very concerned about the world and especially their place and part in it.
If you read through Matthew 24 you see it clearly and then what Jesus recommended...
6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
So what is Jesus advice if you worried about the world ending?
- Stand firm in your faith and hope in Christ (v13)
- Be wise, develop your spiritual understanding (v15)
- Have a prayer life (v20)
- Hold onto wisdom it will help you (v25)
- Take note of his Words because they will not fail (v35)
- Keep watch (v42)
- Be ready (v44)
- Stay faithful (v45)
Please don't think that is a just big list you have to wrestle with.
You have a "blessed assurance" the old hymn goes, if you keep Jesus first and trust in Him alone.
We have hope and are not hopeless.
Grab a hold of that for yourself. And maybe find someone else who needs to hear these words and share them with them...
Something to think about...