While I was pondering them I came across this random quote...
There is a lot a truth wrapped up in that sentence I think!
I think it is easy to believe when all is going well and your faith is not being tested...
When we had a secure roof over our heads I didn't occur to me that we could potentially become homeless. It was only when we couldn't find easily another home that I had began on some level to doubt. It is easy to tell yourself and/or others that God is faithful when it appears on the surface you aren't having to rely on that faithfulness.
In the light God has promised to never leave me or forsake me.
That He will always provide for us as a family.
I could quote you verse after verse.
Then in the middle of my 'dark night of the soul' I was faced with really discovering what I believe about my Father in Heaven.
Would He actually come through for us?
Even at its darkest, God was still at work, the darkness just seemed to hide His working from my vintage point. We never went without a bed to sleep in or a roof over our heads. We now live in a lovely home, which had nothing to do with my ability to provide but based all on His!
Jesus never promised we would never doubt.
And He has a track record of not writing off those with genuine struggles and questions around faith.
John 20:27 records this...
Then he [Jesus] said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
I am challenged again to move on from my human fears and doubts.
I need to choose to believe in His goodness and faithfulness.
I need to stop doubting and believe!
Something to thing about...
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