“If there is one thing I’ve learned in my years on this planet, it’s that the happiest and most fulfilled people I’ve known are those who devoted themselves to something bigger and more profound than merely their own self interest,” John Glenn

A man who had been around the world unlike many others, as the first american to orbit the earth!
He was one of my early childhood heroes.
As a kid fascinated with the 'space race' and digging through my uncles National Geographics for anything relating to it - John Glenn was up there with the biggies...
Jesus famously said that "to truly live life you must give up your life".
We rightly tend to focus on the sacrifice part of these words. But can I also get you to consider another component to this equation?
Jesus was I think telling us as well that life is truly lived when it is not the average life.
When life becomes predictable. When life is lived to merely survive. When it is devoid of faith, mystery and adventure it isn't truly living the life God has planned for any of us.
As you close out the year and for many look forward to resting, can I ask you to consider what you would like your life to be like in a new year?
Do you want to look for ways of getting by, surviving, avoiding challenge and making too many mistakes?
Or do you want to push towards living it beyond all those things?
Living for something bigger.
Living to honour Christ with your faith filled choices and exploits?
I think you should do the second option! Become a John Glenn of your faith. Maybe take some time over this Christmas to ask God what 2017 could be like for you?
Something to think about...
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