Wednesday, March 02, 2016

We all...

We all have the propensity for much evil and...
We all have the potential for so much good...
Which side will we lean towards more?

That was my thought I tweeted to the world around me this week.
It came to me as I was running along a path in a local park, watching others...
You might be wondering why?
Well here is my thought process...

  • I found some people were really good at sharing the narrow path, while others were really selfish (one group gave me no room and I crashed briefly into some bushes).
  • Rubbish bins were being used by some and others just dumped all manner of stuff on the ground.
  • Some people were walking their dogs on a leash, while others let their dog bark and jump on me.
  • I think of people who care amazingly for those with special needs and then also think of others who have abused them for whatever reason. A lady is Russia did the unthinkable this week! She cut the head off a special needs child...I can't begin to put into words how that makes me feel.
  • Someone dreams up a drug in a lab that can help people who are sick with the desire to make it cheap and accessible. Another person buys out the rights to that same drug and ramps the price up 1000% because they see profit as a bigger benefit.
  • Some people grow up to become Hitler's and Stalin's while others grow up to be Mother Theresa's.
  • Two boys grew up to be Cain, the other Able, and they turned out quite different.

I am not going to get into why people are different and some act one way or the other.
I simply want to keep it personal for you and me.
Which one do we want to lean most towards? 
Yes our upbringing and a lifetime of influences will have a bearing on us, but they don't have to define us!

Can I encourage you, especially if you consider yourself to be a Christian, to do the following?
Each day look for one opportunity to do good for someone else even if it costs you something in regards to your time or resources.
Each day fight the desire to be selfish or even nasty.
Each day ask God to help you. Maybe even be like David and maybe ask Him to deal with you heart?

You have the potential right now to do so much good!

Something to think about...

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