Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Most Important?

If I asked you what the 3 most important things were to you in this exact moment, what would they be?
Without thinking too hard...seriously what would you say?

In light of all that is happening in the world, it seems to me that we live in a time when we need to focus on what is truly important to us.
It is time to make the most of today and what we truly think is important (Ephesians 5:16). We are like a vapour - one minute we are here - the next we are gone... (James 4:14)
No one knows how much time they actually have.
All we know is we are blessed with 'now'.

Now all this talk is not about being negative or simply staring at my belly button! No, it is the opposite. I feel more alive when I am doing, saying, acting out my highest values, what I value the most. That is life and all it's fullness to me (John 10:10).

So take a moment and make a list with me...

Now look at your list and make sure that is your priority going forward...
If something else is coming before anything on your list maybe consider what you next move should be? Sometimes bravery is disguised as an opportunity to make changes?

Let us throw off anything that hinders us and run our race (Hebrews 12:1) with purpose, passion and a plan.

Something to think about...

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