Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Good things happen when you... (Part 3)

A common criticism I have heard over the years about our faith is that it is irrelevant...
When I hear that one I actually get excited!
Because the person telling me how irrelevant Christianity is, probably hasn't discovered what it truly is yet. It then my opportunity to show them how relevant it actually can be!

Good things happen when you are relevant!
It has the potential to change not only your life, but their life and even influence history!

If you are wondering how to make it relevant keep it simple...
Tell people about what faith in Christ means to you.
Tell them about the difference God has made.
Share about Him more than your opinion of the world.
Be clever and strategic and help them to see how Jesus could make a difference for them, a difference in their life right now!
If they are sick, tell them He can heal and offer to pray for them.
If they are struggling with something, offer the same.
If they have graceful, honest and humble.

Being relevant is being relatable...

When you read the Gospels you see Jesus modelled it again and again.
To the lady caught in adultery he was graceful and honest.
To the women at the well he acted the same.
When the people were hungry He wanted to feed them.
When He saw how many felt lost, His heart was moved...

Can I encourage you to live a relevant faith this week, not only for you, but for those around who don't truly know Jesus yet?

Something to think about...

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