Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Answer For Everything

Thought I would break down a passage I find interesting today...

Ecclesiastes 10:9 niv
A feast is made for laughter,
wine makes life merry,
and money is the answer for everything.

1. A feast is made for laughter
If you read this verse and the others as part of this book that Solomon wrote, the theme is the same...
God wants us to get on with life. To enjoy what you can.

Feasts by definition are a table with all sorts of culinary opportunities in front of you to choice.
The variety and bounty is all part of the fun of it. What makes it extra special.
Life with God I believe is the same.

I think part of God’s plan for you and I is to look to make the most of the life we have been given. To grab opportunities to make life better for ourselves whenever we can. To be intentional about life. Maybe even aggressive? To not just sit around hoping life will happen, or it will happen to you!

Can I encourage you that when opportunity comes up, that you ignore how scared you might be, ignore the risk of failure, and go for it! Seek God for His plan and then go for what He offers and/or shows you.

Part of the feast of my life is that I can laugh at all the people who told me I couldn’t do this or that, or achieve anything. If you believe God has given you an opportunity for something, do it, enjoy it!

2. Wine makes life merry
Before you get too excited...I am not encouraging to crack open a few bottles of wine tonight.
There is something else going on here I believe.
As with all scripture, each of us need to ask God what it is saying to us personally.
When I think of this scripture, I am reminded that in scripture, wine is used to describe God’s presence many times.

I have found that...
• Sour people don’t want God’s presence
• Sour people can’t see God’s presence.
• Sour people don’t understand God’s presence.
They don’t want new wine - they always consider the exisitng wine / experience / understanding they have already to be all they need.

God's presence should make us happy, add to the enjoyment factor of following Jesus.
If you want your Christian experience to be a good one, can I encourage you to seek out the presence of God for your own life?

It makes following Jesus more enjoyable, more of an adventure.
It will help prevent it from becoming some dry religious experience!

3. Money is the answer to everything
When I read this I consider this idea...
If money is the answer - what was the question?
Solomon has been talking about the enjoyment of life. The hint is here that money will help make a difference.

God’s word tells us that everything is spiritual. Money is just as important as many other things in life.
Religious people will tell you that money is bad and misquote scriptures and say things like ‘money the root of all evil’.
I really think that being poor is nor more spiritual than being is just poor.

My question for you based on this idea is this...
How much of a blessing do you want to be in your life?
Money is going to have a play a part in it.

Maybe there is something in all this that speaks to you and encourages you in some way today?
Maybe it will encourage you to make some brave decisions, or big faith filled prayers about your ability to be a blessing to others, or to desire God in your life even more?

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