Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I can remember it clearly...the day my gran gave me my first Twinkie.
I remember walking between the back door of her house and the coal shed eating it.
I remember the sensation. The texture. The taste.
I also remember that it had something to do with a Buck Rogers TV Series thing...yes I am that old!

This last Christmas a friend gave me a very thought out gift. 6 Twinkies!
He knew that I liked them. That I would appreciate the gesture.
But as I ate them one by one over the following week, I was struck by something...
Did they really match my recollection of experiencing them some 30 years before?
Were they the same sensation, texture and taste?

If I was totally honest things have changed for me...
While they are still Twinkies, they are subtilely different from my memory.
Partaking in them again gave me a more current experience. I realised that my memory while still pretty good, was not as reliable as I thought. I still enjoyed them and I also learnt something along the way...

You don't eat something once and remember what it is exactly like forever.
Returning to eat it again and again truly keeps the sensation, texture and taste alive, the knowledge of it uncorrupted.
The same applies to the Scriptures in the Bible...
Scripture isn't just something to memorise, even though that is a good thing.
It is to be eaten as food, daily, as food, as a meal. Seen as something nutritional to your spiritual growth and maturity.

Just because you read something in 2005 doesn't mean you still know what it truly means for you in 2015...
You can not live solely on the memory of something!
Memories can fade, be corrupted or even embellished over time...
That is why I encourage you to do what I strive to do, make myself eat scripture again and again. Whether it be a reading plan or listening to others teaching from it, I keep coming back to the table for more.
That way I know I am being fed today and not just trying to remember back to what I think it tasted like...

Something to think about...

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