Suze and I have been reading a great book on prayer recently called Push by Jurgen Matthesius! It is called Push because that is an acronym for Prayer Until Something Happens.
In his introduction he reminds me of our tendency to put a 'human' time limit on the answers we are looking for when we attempt to pray. He likens it to going through the drive through at McD's and getting upset because we don't have our food in 3 minutes.
I think sometimes we might just treat prayer like this.
Where we throw up a few lines to God. Then if there is no answer in the way we had hoped for within a short space of time, we attempt to come up with answers ourselves.
I have even heard people use this line of thinking to justify all sorts of decisions.
Let's be honest though...
This trying to pray and follow God's will is not as easy as we might hope!
Even Jesus wrestled with it at one stage (Garden of Gethsemane).
I totally understand if you are facing frustration at this time. You need to trust me that I can relate. Maybe not with the same circumstance you are wrestling with, but I have had my own...
An account that has always fascinated me in the Book of Daniel may be an encouragement I hope to you today...
In Chapter 10 it talks about Daniel receiving a visitor from heaven with a message specifically for him. The problem was that it had been delayed 21 days due a huge battle in the heavenly realm (please don't give up on me now if you are finding this weird).
This visitor said this to him “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them."
He is telling him that from the moment he prayed he was heard. God put into action a response.
Please be encouraged by this:
- When we pray God hears us straight away.
- When we pray God set things into action.
- When we pray it can take time as the Kingdom of God shifts things in our favour.
- When we pray it is so powerful that it can cause wars to break out!
- When we pray we need to be careful not to give up before the answer comes...because the answer is coming!
Something to think about...
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