Last week I talked about a 'compression top'.
I thought I needed it for an event I was in and found out the hard way that I had made a serious mistake! The very thing I thought I desperately needed was the last thing I needed!
And that is my point...
How often have you been like me?
Where you pushed hard to have something in your life that you thought would make things better, only to find it hindered you more?
I think as a follower of Christ we sometimes operate better 'without', more than 'with'.
But this is counter to the culture we live and operate in.
Where extra indicates blessing.
Accumulation equals success.
And increase shows personal growth in some way.
When I look at scripture and those around me who are the happy with their life and ministry, I actually see the exact opposite to our culture.
I see many who should be rich giving much of it away - and yet they seem happy.
I hear stories of people going on missions trips to the poorest of the poor - only to find themselves challenged by how much happier the poor are than them?
Many scriptures paint some interesting portraits for our lives and who we can be...
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13
Laying down yourself, sacrificing something of yourself, is a very Christian attribute.
And isn't that the example Jesus left us? We are encouraged to serve one another. To wash feet...
41...“you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one... Luke 10:41-42
Sometimes simplifying things about ours lives and faith are more healthy and profitable.
Running after 'more' can ultimately bring frustration. While simple can breed contentment.
...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1
Can I encourage you today to take some time to read over these passages? And let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart in whatever way you may need...
Let's be people stripped of what we don't need and filled with the very presence of God.
Something to think about...
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