Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Two blokes sitting behind me at a cafe

Have you ever overheard a conversation and it has driven you nuts?
Like the two blokes sitting behind me at a cafe talking about an event. One of them in particular had the details all wrong, but that didn't stop him from passionately blithering on!
I even wondered if the facts didn't matter more than the opportunity to share a comment or even whinge about something. Kind of sad really...

What it did do was to remind me of a few things that maybe we could consider together...

Let's make sure we have our facts right.
The Bible talks about our words having power. It says that God will hold us accountable for what we let fall out of our faces. It even says to let our yes be yes and that our no should really mean no.
Take a few moments to check out things before you share an opinion. It is worth it!

Let's realise how much what we share influences others, their opinions and potentially their life direction.
Believe or not there are gullible people out there. If you spread something wrong and they believe it, then you have damaged someone. And with our human nature of easily believing the worst, some readily accept anything especially if it negative.
You and I are called to something even better and more glorious. 
That the words of our mouths help us bring each other closer to God. 
What we say can change someones eternity! Which I think pretty cool and sobering at the same time.

Let's make sure we know when to get involved and when not to.
Sometimes you have to say something.
I didn't in this case because too many f bombs were being used. 
But earlier in the day I did jump in and help someone randomly and you should have heard the buzz it created in their businesses office. It was fun to watch and nice to know I could make a positive difference.
Can I encourage you to be open to the Holy Spirit and make the most of the opportunities He brings your way? Be wise and cunning and a blessing...

You and I can make this world so much better!

Something to think about...

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