Keep Calm and Carry On
Keep Calm and Drink Coffee
Keep Calm and Eat a Cookie
Keep Calm and...basically whatever your imagination has the ability to come up with...
Later in May we have a ladies event called Keep Calm and Swap Clothes, but that isn't what I was wanting to share with you today.
There is this moment after Jesus goes to the Cross where his disciples were left in limbo.
Well at least that is what it appears to be for them.
They have seen their Lord and friend die a truly horrible death and He is now in a carved out grave.
They are faced with lots of what if's and what to do now questions.
In hindsight the best advice you could have given them is Keep Calm and Carry On, because God has a plan and it will all work out.
Three days later, as promised, Jesus rises from the dead! He starts appearing all over the place and eventually all the disciples get to hang out again with him. Obviously there was no need to panic.
Then Jesus tells them (before he amazingly flies away before their eyes) to wait some more.
To stay in Jerusalem until something truly cool happens. When somehow, miraculously, they will get power in their life that they have only tasted a little of until this point.
It wasn't the next day, it was days later! The day we call Pentecost happens and boom, it is all on!
Kind of fits that Keep Calm and Carry On thing again...
I also think of King Saul being sent to line up for battle one day.
But this dude knows nothing about Keep Calm and Carry On. He freaks out waiting for the prophet to turn up and decides he can sort it out. History tells us that things didn't go so well...
And here we all are today.
Maybe the best advice we could take on board is this silly little phrase?
Maybe what it says about us, more than the action of waiting on God, is that we truly do trust Him?
Let's Keep Calm and Carry On, trusting God to sort our circumstances whatever they may be for each of us. Doesn't He promise to look after us anyway?
Something to think about...