Here are some examples from scripture, my life, and others I have heard:
- He spoke to Mary via one of the most famous Angels in scripture.
- Sitting listening to a group of pastors talking what it means to be part of Elim, God spoke to me more on the vision for our Church.
- Daniel had an Angel turn up it seemed late with a message, delayed because he had to fight the forces of evil to get there. God was determined to get His message through even it caused a war.
- Someone had a prophetic word for me about leading a Church at a time when I never dreamed of doing something even like that.
- Joseph has a series of dreams that changed everything from a 'normal life' and were all about the plan God had for his life…bigger than he could ever hope dream or imagine.
- Sitting with a group recently God spoke through everyone to someone who needed it, through what they had read, experienced and learnt that related to the situation.
- Paul had someone in a meeting get up all of a sudden and tie him up as part of a prophetic message from God.
- I had a dream when I first become a youth leader that helped me to take the role even more seriously.
- Gideon asked God to do weird stuff with dew and a sheep skin and God confirmed His conversation with Gideon by doing what he asked.
- I loved reading a story recently of a pastor hearing God say that a building would be theirs, and before that was a reality they cleaned it up as though it had already happened. God's word came true and they got the building!
- God spoke to me through a man at my baptism about who I would become.
- Reading through 1 Corinthians for the first time after deciding to follow Jesus, God spoke to me clearly to cut all my hair.
- Listening to a podcast on my way from Tauranga to home last week, God spoke and helped shape my thinking about something very important for my future as a leader.
- Someone had a donkey he was riding open its mouth and speak!
My friend…you need to understand that God would dearly love to speak to you and for you to hear.
Let's be like that guy mentioned in scripture who was watching and waiting daily for God to share something.
As you expect Him to speak, working on your relationship with Him and chilling out over it (from Sundays teaching) may you get to experience how creative God can be with you.
My hope and prayer for you is that you find what works all the while never ever boxing God in.
Let the God of all creation and creative ability communicate with you…it can only be good!
Something to think about...
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