Wednesday, April 03, 2013


When I was a kid and staying at a friends house overnight, we decided it would be a good idea to raid the liquor cabinet.
We grabbed what looked like some whiskey to give it a try.
To our surprise it didn't taste anything like we thought it would.
And when we got caught...which was always bound to happen...we found out we had been drinking something called Claytons. A fake type of Whiskey.

A little later in life I became a teenager. And part of my teenage experience included a holiday with my Dad in Hawaii.
One day we went to the markets and I bought a fancy looking watch.
The problem with it was that every time your clapped your hands or it got some other sort of a would reset to 00:00:00.
Not really that helpful when it comes to a watch. It was a fake!

Recently our culture to some degree decided to celebrate a little event called St Patricks Day.
People dress up in green. Some drank green beer. They drink a lot in many cases.
It is called St Patricks Day, named after a real person who existed a long time a go.
But the reality of this event and the reality of history don't match on any level. This Patrick guy was someone who came to Ireland to share the good news about Jesus. For them to stop living their lives worshipping fake gods and even getting drunk. He wanted something better for this people. And we have in turn created a day named after him, to do the complete opposite of what he was about.
You could even say the day might be kind of fake...

Isn't it kind of funny (sad I mean) that we live in a culture where fake does exist.
And even more sad that many prefer the fake to the real.

Jesus does not have this in mind for us.
He said that He wanted us to have life and all it fullness.
He came to open the blind eyes to and reveal truth.
He wants us to understand who God can be to us and His great plan for our lives.

As for me, I don't want fake.
I don't want fake activity disguised as good religion.
I want the the real that God has for me. I want to experience His power in and through my life.
What do you want? Real or Fake?
I leave that question with you...

Something to think about...

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