Wednesday, February 06, 2013


There is an investigation going on at the moment.
While the biggest sporting spectacle of the year was underway, there was an apparently random and dramatic power failure.
As my friends and I watched the Superbowl, cheering, eating, drinking and checking out Facebook in some cases...the stadium where the game was held in New Orleans plunged into darkness.
We along with over 100 million other viewers were left sitting there stunned and kind of stuck.
You are left wondering how long it would be on hold?
When would the game start again or could it even?

At the core of this problem was one thing...a lack of power.
If they had power everything carries on.
Without it and everyone is left in limbo.

It reminded how life mirrors this event.
When we lack power, we feel stuck and in a perpetual limbo land.
With power, we carry on with what we are supposed to be doing.

If you are a follower of Jesus, power is part of the deal.
You haven't just signed up to a set of beliefs. You are signed up for the whole package God has for us.
This includes having power in our lives.
It is the power that Jesus promised would come to his disciples after His departure.
It is the same power that the prophet Joel promised them and for all the following generations, including us.
It is even the same power that rose Jesus from the dead and is now available to you!

My question to you today is this...
Do you have this power in your life?
If you don't can I suggest you do like the NFL officials are doing on a large scale right now? Maybe you need to start an investigation of your own?

The Bible suggests some places to start.
Check to see if you have become luke warm about your relationship with God.
Check to see if you are doing the right things, in the right ways, for the right reasons.
Check to see how much your flame is glowing on the inside, and whether it needs some fanning or not.
Check you attitudes and the condition of your heart.

Ultimately you are I are called to be people of power and love...not just love.
So let's investigate and let's make sure we have all the power available to us.
Otherwise the world around us will be left in the dark just as they were in that stadium.
It's could be time to investigate?

Something to think about...

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