Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I have been thinking in the last few days about things that Jesus did and how people responded.
There is one thing in particular that stands out, especially in light of what we are doing as a Church this weekend.

It seems Jesus didn’t have trouble having a crowd!
It seems that Jesus had more trouble getting away from the crowd than attracting one...more on that another day!

Regularly Jesus would have a meal at someone’s house.
As part of the preparation for this occasion, it wasn’t just food and atmosphere that was worked on or even the most important. In fact you don’t read much about what they ate at all. But what you do see is Jesus having plenty of people around him.


Real simple…
The people who knew of him or about him, no matter how little or much, were extremely keen to invite as many other people to learn about him.
They were more interested in sharing him with others than keeping him for themselves alone.
They wanted those closest to them to have the same opportunity.
They wanted their friends and neighbours to experience him.
In one account you even see people ripping apart a roof just to give a sick friend this same opportunity.
That is dedication to both Jesus and their friend!

So in your world right now, how does this relate?
Real simple I guess...
It would seem ‘normal’ to me that we do whatever we can to always invite people to find out more about Jesus.
Inviting them to Church is one great way to do this.

How far would you go to get someone else closer to

Something to think about…

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